Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Big Thrift Store Shopping Day Part 1

So after a long day of thrift shopping, I came back with three very messy ladies. There is a lot of stuff to post about them, so I'm doing this in parts. Part 1- Tiana
I was actually pretty excited, I haven't found a Tiana doll yet! Tiana has such a beautiful face, but wow was this doll gross when I found her. Her body was wet and weird smelling, and her body was sticky. I seriously have never touched anything grosser. First thing I did with her when I got home was to wash her whole body down with soap, water and a sponge. She feels really soft now. Seriously, that gunk on her body was so bad that was the first thing I did when i got home, even though i was rushing to get out the door!

Unfortunately her hair is so thin its unsalvageable : ( I'm going to look into buying her a wig. She is going to my neice

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